How to make money with chat jobs from home

How to make money with chat jobs from home

Wondering how to get a job as a work-from-home chat agent? We’ve listed our top tips and helpful leads for helping you find the best online chat jobs.
14 min read


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How Cocoroco solves traditional recruitment problems

How Cocoroco solves traditional recruitment problems

Fondly recalling the days of job vacancies in newspapers? Neither are we. Get online and pick the talent you’re looking for with Cocoroco.
5 min read
5 best ways to build a happy remote workforce

5 best ways to build a happy remote workforce

Why do good employees leave their jobs? And how do you get them to stay? Here are our top tips on managing your remote team.
5 min read
What makes a good customer service agent?

What makes a good customer service agent?

Customer service is like a box of chocolates: you never know what you’re gonna get. So just what makes great customer service great?
4 min read
15 top tips to beat loneliness when working from home

15 top tips to beat loneliness when working from home

Working from home is great — until the loneliness sets in. Thankfully, there are ways to feel less alone when working remotely.
11 min read