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7 nifty tricks to improve your AHT
Lowering your average handling time (AHT) as a customer service agent can be...
The 4 social skills you’ll perfect with customer service
Charming people can easily navigate the labyrinths of workplace politics, but being a...
How to provide exceptional customer service: strategies + examples
Being good at customer support isn’t an industrial secret. Being reachable to...
The value of humans in customer service
There's a lot of buzz about new-fangled technology in customer support. In even the most...

7 nifty tricks to improve your AHT
Lowering your average handling time (AHT) as a customer service agent can be...
The 4 social skills you’ll perfect with customer service
Charming people can easily navigate the labyrinths of workplace politics, but being a...
How to provide exceptional customer service: strategies + examples
Being good at customer support isn’t an industrial secret. Being reachable to...
The value of humans in customer service
There's a lot of buzz about new-fangled technology in customer support. In even the most...

Empower your customer service by going remote
There's one trick to delivering great customer service: you have to give customers what they want. But how can going remote help you do that?
10 Jun
8 min read

How does skills-based routing help customer service?
Skills-based routing is the quickest way to achieve customer service excellence. But what is it exactly, and why is it so good for business?
09 Jun
7 min read

5 ways to get the best out of your remote team
Remote customer service is on the rise. But how do you make sure your team is ready?
02 Jun
9 min read

How customer service skills can help boost your career
Experience in customer support is the best training you can get to advance professionally. But what transferable skills can you actually learn?
31 May
7 min read