Diet & Focus: How food improves your working day

Diet & Focus: How food improves your working day

If you’re a full-time customer service agent, you know the 3 pm slump. Or what people in lab coats call ‘postprandial somnolence.’ The famous Spanish siesta was even devoted to it, with people only returning to work after an afternoon nap. But why is said...
6 affordable ways to live the digital nomad dream

6 affordable ways to live the digital nomad dream

People on the internet talk a lot about becoming digital nomads. Some run blogs on how they did it; others write op-eds on how it’s like a “super-long vacation”. There are dedicated subreddits and forums, job pages, and travel hacks. But alongside carefully staged...
How to create a healthy work-from-home environment

How to create a healthy work-from-home environment

  Done right, working from home gives you space for important things like exercise, sleep, healthy eating, and time with the people you care about. If mismanaged, remote work can leave you isolated and with a poorly arranged workspace to boot. Forming a healthy...